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Contact Us

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Where do You find us:

Phoenix Amber 
Shopping centre Černá růže
Na Příkopě 853/12
110 00 Praha 1

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday- Sunday: 11:00 - 19:00

E-mail: info@phoenixamber.cz

 +420 605 085 892

In our brick-and-mortar shop in Prague city center you can choose from a wide range of amber jewellery. In addition, you can also find jewellery made of moldavite and garnet.

If you are from far away and you can not come to our shop, we can show you our jewellery by video call via WhatsApp. If you would like to connect with us via video call, please email us using the contact form above to set up an online appointment.




