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  • Where does the amber you craft come from?

We work with amber from the Dominican Republic and from the Baltic sea coast. We buy raw Baltic amber directly from the miners in Gdansk area.

  •  What are the effects of amber on people?

Amber has been attributed various effects and influences on humans in different countries and cultures. What all cultures agree on is that amber has protective effects and repels evil. Amber also calms the mind and promotes the ability to concentrate.

In terms of health benefits, amber is beneficial to thyroid gland, it soothes joint and bone pain and eases the pain during the growth of new teeth. Amber acid contained in Baltic amber is also beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

  • Why is your amber jewellery rather light in colour?

We only work with 100% natural raw amber. We do not melt, heat, dye or modify it in any way. Therefore, the colour of our amber jewellery is as nature created it

  • Why is the colour of raw amber darker than the colour of finished products?

The dark honey to brown colour of raw amber is actually the colour of its bark. This is the result of the oxidation process of amber over millions of years. When the layer of this bark is removed, the core of the stone is revealed, which is usually lighter in colour than the colour of the bark. The range of colours of natural amber is extremely wide, but the most common is yellow, and it comes in many different shades. Colour of the amber also depends on the species of the tree, conditions of fossilisation and the locality from which it comes from.

  • Even after polishing, amber oxidises and changes colour. Is that good or bad?

Surface oxidation is a natural process in natural amber. Over time, its colour changes to a more saturated shade, pattern becomes more  distinctive, and the amber takes on a silkier sheen. Minor changes can be observed after just a few months. More significant changes are noticeable after about two years, especially if the jewel is worn frequently. For antique pieces that are hundreds of years old, the colour of the amber is already just that, "amber colour", ie. honey or orange-brown. Such pieces are highly prized, but are understandably quite rare. Therefore, some manufacturers heat or otherwise modify amber products to obtain this antique shade. Any acceleration of the oxidation process devalues the amber.  

  • How do I recognize genuine natural amber?

Unfortunately, there are more and more sophisticated imitations of amber on the market nowadays. Some imitations or modifications are so sophisticated that it is difficult to determine their authenticity with the naked eye and simple tests. If you really want to be sure that you are buying genuine natural amber, choose your seller or workshop carefully.

If you want to be 100% sure and have a certificate from an independent third party, you can turn to laboratories that specialise in amber and use highly specialised testing equipment. For example, we can recommend Amber Experts (www.amberexperts.com) or the International Amber Association laboratory (www.amber.org.pl).

  • How do you guarantee the authenticity of the amber in your jewellery?

We only buy raw amber from reliable suppliers and craft amber personally in our family workshop. We know in detail every single stone that comes to our hands. That is why we can guarantee the authenticity of the amber in our jewellery. We also attach a certificate of authenticity to our jewellery to guarantee its authenticity.