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Pendants with Moldavite

Moldavites - ethereal beauty from Bohemia

Mysterious moldavite from the universe, a gemstone with a fascinating history and unique origins, has retained its mystical magic for centuries.

 The history of moldavite takes us back to the Stone Age. In the life of prehistoric people, moldavite had a wide range of uses. They smashed the stones and used them to make practical small knives and spikes. They were also used for hunting and handling of the fur of the animals.  

Officially, the first place where moldavite was discovered was the South Bohemian town of Týn nad Vltavou, located near České Budějovice. It was at the beginning of the 18th century. At that time, people found pieces of moldavite when working in the fields, mostly when ploughing. In earlier times, young men of South Bohemia confessed their feelings to their beloved ones by giving them a moldavite. It was meant to express their ardent feelings for the girl.

Moldavite belongs to the category of so-called tektites (from the Greek word "tektos" - molten), which is the collective name for rocks formed by the impact of a giant meteorite on the Earth's surface. Due to changes in energy and heat during the impact, the basic properties of the original rock changed into a rock called a tectite. The structure tends to be glassy, which is why tektites are called "natural glass".  Because of its mystical origin, it has acquired a number of other names in the past - a glass meteorite, a tear shed by a comet, or a fragment of the moon that fell to Earth. Apart from southern Bohemia, it has also been found in Moravia, specifically around Trebic, in the Jihlava river basin and sporadically in Austria and Germany.




16 items to display
Vltavinovy privesek stribro 280171 Code: 28017
Vltavinovy privesek 280052
Code: 28005
Privesek s vltavinem 820151 Code: 28015
Vltavinovy privesek 280041 Code: 28004
Vltavinovy privesek 280062 Code: 28006
Privesek vltavin stribro 280021
Code: 99043
Privesek vltavin stribro 280111 Code: 28011
Privesek vltavin stribro 820121
Code: 28012
Privesek vltavin stribro 280102
Code: 28010
Privesek vltavin stribro 280091
Code: 28009
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